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FREE Mini Unconditional Love Healing

What is ThetaHealing®

ThetaHealing® is a meditative style, energy healing technique designed to change negative subconscious programming, sabotaging patterns and emotional wounds, adversely impacting your ability to heal and your quality of life.

ThetaHealing® was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey of health recovery.  It has been around for just over 20 years.  There are now over 500,000 practitioners in 152 countries world-wide.

In 2009, the ThetaHealing® Medical Association of Japan was established, with approval given to use ThetaHealing® in 2 hospitals in Japan.

Vianna’s books are published by the leading mind body spirit publisher, Hay House.

Watch Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing®, talk about how the process helped her heal from cancer, watch her video above.

ThetaHealing Technique®

Why ThetaHealing®

Theta healing® is a powerful personal development and energy healing technique that allows you to discover the root cause of whatever is holding you back in life, and allows you to instantly change the associated beliefs and develop the “feelings” required to achieve your desired outcomes.

Having studied close to a dozen transformation techniques, I can tell you from personal experience that I’ve found ThetaHealing® to be one of the fastest, most powerful and most comprehensive transformation and healing modalities that exists.

ThetaHealing® can help with almost any problem, in any area of your life where you are experiencing disharmony or lack of fulfillment.

I have used this technique to help clients:

  • Let go of years of stored up resentment, self-hate and anger
  • Release years of deep held sorrow and sadness from loved ones dying
  • Relieve back pain instantly
  • Restore communication breakdown in their relationships
  • Release pent up emotional trauma
  • Gain clarity in life direction – clear the fog and doubt
  • Discover their Life purpose
  • Increase intuitive abilities
  • Increase confidence and self-worth – positively impacting other areas such as career and finance.

How ThetaHealing® Works and Who Is It For

ThetaHealing® is well known for its Belief and Feeling work and is so easy to use and apply.

It utilizes a spiritual philosophy of focused prayer – or intention – through the Creator of All That Is.  The technique is conducted whilst the client and practitioner are in a theta brainwave state – a very deep state of relaxation, where brain waves are slowed to a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second – the same relaxed mode as when you’re just waking in the morning or about to fall asleep in the evening.

One absolute requirement with this technique is that you have a central belief in a Creative Source Energy of All That Is.

This technique is just as powerful in person or over the phone, irrespective of where you live in the world.  So during a session you can remain in the comfort of your own home and rest assured that regardless of distance, the results are still just as effective and beneficial.

This process can be used by anyone at any age, from infant to elderly, and for almost any condition.

It can also be applied on animals, plants, inanimate objects and to clear negative environmental energies.

ThetaHealing® is NOT a religion and has no religious affiliation.  Neither is the process specific to any age, sex, race, colour or creed.  Anyone with a pure belief in a Creative Force can access, use and benefit from ThetaHealing®.

How ThetaHealing® can help you

Using this divine source energy, the technique can be applied for all levels of healing: physical, psychological and spiritual.  For example, it can help you:

  • Alleviate chronic pain and illness
  • Stop negative habits such as smoking, binge eating or drinking
  • Overcome negative thoughts and self-sabotage patterns
  • Release emotional trauma – such as pent up Anger, Sadness, Shame, Guilt, Resentment
  • Clear mindset blocks around money, abundance, manifesting and prosperity
  • Repair relationships
  • Release blocks to receiving love, finding a partner or connecting with people
  • Increase confidence, self-love, self-esteem and self-worth
  • Clarify and redefine your life purpose
  • Create business success and a lifestyle you desire.
  • And so much more

How Is ThetaHealing® Different

The difference between working with a process like this versus other modalities, is that it works at a soul and spiritual level, rather than just a mindset or physical level.  So it approaches your healing from all possible angles and is really direct, quick, and in most cases, instant.

Typically, there’s only one reason why we find ourselves in “undesirable” situations, it’s because on some level of consciousness they are serving us.  The key is to find the root cause of why/how your current situation is benefiting you in order to change it.

Sometimes that root cause is in another plane of existence, that is, the beliefs you carry may not even belong to you.  They may have been adopted from your ancestors or from group consciousness.   This is usually the reason why people can try so many processes to try heal their problems, only to get frustrated that they don’t work on them – It’s because they haven’t cleared the problem at root cause level.

ThetaHealing® is uniquely powerful because we are able to address 9 aspects of consciousness that allow us to get to the root cause and make the required changes for a complete and wholistic treatment.  Therefore this process is especially perfect for you, if you feel like you’ve tried everything but still not getting the results you desire.

We look at:
  1. Conscious mind
  2. Subconscious mind
  3. History or past lives healing
  4. Genetic memory
  5. Group consciousness
  6. Physical environment
  7. Disowned parts
  8. Soul healing
  9. Feelings work
ThetaHealing® is uniquely powerful because it is able to immediately teach new information to the soul and directly into the cells of your body.   You can also connect with your higher self to learn your soul’s purpose and how it’s connected to your life outcomes.  You can heal any sorrow or wounds at a soul level – the deepest level of healing.   Results can happen instantly or over a period of time. It all happens on the etheric level with no medication, surgery or pain involved.

Another unique benefit is that it includes what’s called “feeling” work – where you’re able to open up feeling receptor cells in your body to enable you to reconnect with and feel, the feelings that you’ve avoided or don’t know how to feel.  For example, Some people don’t know what it feels like to feel totally worthy and loved unconditionally so it’s important to open up those “feeling” receptors for any belief or change work to take effect.  Failing to do this can be another reason why people don’t heal or find that the changes don’t last.

Other Benefits of ThetaHealing®

  1. ThetaHealing® is conducted through Connection to Creative Life Force Energy in a Theta brainwave state, therefore you are always protected and safe. There are no pills, potions, invasive treatments, painful, complicated procedures, side effects or harmful consequences as a result of using this technique.  It can be used in conjunction with or to compliment any other form of therapy or treatment you are undertaking.
  1. Other forms of healing or change work aim to change unconscious programming using the conscious mind which only comprises about 5% of your brain. For example, processes like positive thinking, affirmations or behavioural therapy. ThetaHealing® however works directly with the unconscious mind (95% of you) and the soul to instantly create change at the deepest level.
  1. Because it is an extremely powerful, comprehensive, direct and fast process, often very deep set spiritual and emotional challenges can be resolved in as little as one or just a few short sessions. It means you don’t have to spend years in therapy or thousands of dollars on health care and you can get on with enjoying your life.
  1. ThetaHealing® is a technique that is easy to learn and apply. Many other modalities require a practitioner to conduct the healing for you, or require some other tool or apparatus. With ThetaHealing®, all you need is yourself.  It’s designed to empower you for positive change so you can experience the joy, love, self-confidence, wellness, prosperity and abundance you deserve.
Just one session can dramatically change years of doubt, anger, stress or frustration and attract a whole new level of joy and fulfilment into your life.

If you want to know if this is right for you, book in for a FREE 20  min consult below:

Click Here To Book a Free…

ThetaHealing® Clarity Call” Today

And Receive a  FREE Mini Unconditional Love Healing

Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. The only limits are that of your own imagination.

To discover if ThetaHealing® is for you, book in for your free consult and unconditional love Healing.

What Others Say…

"Maria you have a wonderful ability to explain things in a way that is easy for me to understand and resonate with and invokes you to think deeper into what is being explained. I could listen to you talk and explain things all day 🙂 You have such a loving and nuturing nature and you someone who is very encouraging without the feeling of being 'pushy'. You helped me face some fears and doubts about myself that I was having trouble with, and the trust that I have in you helped me acheive what I thought I couldn't. At times I found myself getting a little overwhelmed and flustered, but with your encouragment and guidance I was able to push on and find confidence in myself. You have given me the building blocks to continue my journey into my spirituality and into a world of healing. I am so happy that I met you. Thank you so much Maria 🙂

I came into the course with no past experience on spirituality and feeling a bit lost. I came out of the course no longer fearing, no longer lost and understanding why I am here in this life. I feel more spiritually connected and know that I have the right tools now to assist me in achieving any I want in life and to help others achieve the same.

Before the course I was feeling quite anxious about my ability to perform. Halfway through the course I immediately got a sense of confidence, and now I don't have any doubts about my psychic abilities, or my abilities to heal other people. This course also gave me the tools to continue working on myself and healing aspects of myself that may be blocking me from achieving my goals.

I wasn't sure if I would really be able to use this modality to help people heal. The activities and explanation of the methods have shown me that it is definitely possible and I feel like I can make this a part of my business now.

Thank you Maria for this amazing opportunity. You have helped me not only to heal myself, but also my relationship with God/Goddess. In just a few short days I trust more in myself, my intuition, and my ability to create the life I deserve. I now feel like I have a crystal clear understand of my life purpose and how to achieve it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙂


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